Tonight I had A Dream...
...I dreamt I was going somewhere with my band, but I don't know what band it was. We had spent a day at some school, an old strange building with lots of stairs and hidden passages. We where in the van and just about to leave when I realized I had left Sara behind, so I jumped out of the car and ran back to the house where she lived and I ran up the stairs to her room and called out for her as I ran. She opened her door - she had sleep in her eyes and a pyjamas or something and she looked at me, a bit confused. I asked her if she didn't want to come with me, but she said "no, not this time - I'm staying here, you can go without me..." I was so sad but I couldn't stop to argue because the others were waiting for me. I ran back down to the parking lot only to discover they had left without me...
In real life, I am still working hard with the recording of the new David & the Citizens album. It will turn out really good, I'm sure. Right now I am just tired of the damn songs. ;-)

In real life, I am still working hard with the recording of the new David & the Citizens album. It will turn out really good, I'm sure. Right now I am just tired of the damn songs. ;-)

...for never being here. I´ve been really busy recording the new album with David & the Citizens. We´ve been working in the studio for about a week now and it is taking all my time. We´re in the studio 12-15 hours a day... But please don´t give up on me - I will write more here as soon as I can. There is a tour in the planning, hopefully in May. I will go to Germany, Austria and Switzerland, so keep checking for updates!
The past weekend
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So we drove 600 km on Saturday me and my band in a small car, to play in a church. It was a good gig as usual, but it is always kind of strange to perform for an audience that you can tell have never listened to your music before. I think most of them were too young to ever have been to a concert before...Some girls wanted to buy my CD afterwards and asked how much it was - they only had 10 swedish kronor ( almost 1 US dollar) and wanted to know if they could get it for that price...:-/ hehe... We had a music room as our backstage and there were 3 pianos in there, so we spent a couple of hours trying to do at least one song together, but with little luck. My bass player Rickard drove from Stockholm and brought us a little alcohol to have a nice little after party ( the church we played in was a real church, with real christian people - so drinks were not on the house this time...) Woke up around 10 and had breakfast and then we drove the 600 km back home to Malmö again on small roads as the snow started falling. Came home around half past seven pm, had something to eat and crashed in the sofa watching "Resident Evil" on tv. It wasn't very good. Now me and Sara are about to walk up to the rehearsal place to work on some of her new stuff. The snow is falling. It is a beautiful day. |
New Tracks!
Ok, after some computer problems, I have now uploaded three brand new demo tracks on my My Space :
Note! The tracks will only be there for 24 hours! Do to site maintenence last night (the site was down...), I will prolong the feature!
Remember it is only demo recordings, but I'm pretty sure these tracks will end up on my next album. Enjoy!
Remember it is only demo recordings, but I'm pretty sure these tracks will end up on my next album. Enjoy!
Soon something happens...
Hey everybody!
I know, I know - it's been a while since last entry, but keep your eyes open because next week something will happen. Keep checking this blog, but keep your eyes on my place on MySpace, too...
I know, I know - it's been a while since last entry, but keep your eyes open because next week something will happen. Keep checking this blog, but keep your eyes on my place on MySpace, too...

Ok, it is that time of year again when everybody's doing their best of the year - lists.I' ve never done one before, but here are some highlights of 2005;
Amaterasu was released on the 22nd of December 2004 in Sweden and it contains the best collection of songs ever to come from yours truly. I had a great time recording it with my brother Joel and my love Sara and I am very proud of it. It is also released in Japan and USA,soon to be released in more territories.
I put a band together to tour with these songs and it was exiting - almost like being in a band for the first time and it has been a challenge to me since the other guys are such good musicians. It has forced me to play at the top of my ability, which has been very useful.

My band; Rickard Flygel, John Bjerkert, Tomas Ebrelius, Sara Culler, David Fridlund
Gigs of the Year:
Gigs of the Year:
Debaser, Stockholm - because this was the first gig that I did with my solo band. It was a good gig and a great after party. Sara and I went to the hotel when my drummer John, started crawling on the floor because there were no chairs available and a friend of mine kept singing the phrase "…over the mountains and over the hills…". It was -17 degrees Celsius as we walked to the hotel.
Pusterviksbaren, Gothenburg
There is something about the audience in this city that makes every gig seem like the best one ever and this night was no exception. We did a gig with such intensity it almost felt like we were Sonic Youth or something. Sara and I went to bed late that night, or early in the morning… after having the compulsory French fries and sausage at the grill outside of the hotel.

Garage, Bergen, (Norway)
Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but what the hell… there was not one paying guest at this show. The venue had to let people get in for free. Anyway - we started playing and there were more and more people getting in and in the end the venue was at least half full and they all seemed to like it a lot. And we sold a bunch of records.
After all - these kind of gigs often turn out to be the best ones, since there is no way you can do a half hearted gig and get away with it. If nobody knows your songs, nobody will sing along and save the show for you. You have to work. And we worked, we worked hard and we won!
The Garage in Bergen is one of the best venues I've ever played (3 times now), the band host Dennis (or Mac Dennis…) is the nicest guy and he is actually a walking encyclopedia - if you have any questions, whatever the subject - Dennis is your man! They're always very generous and friendly at this venue and they bought us dinner at this really good restaurant that serves seafood. I tried the whale steak. It was delicious.
Sementen, Stavanger
Ok, sadly there weren't that many people here either and unfortunately it wasn't that good of a gig either. But I met one of my cousins here for the first time in, like 15 years or something and we had a great time hanging out backstage just talking, drinking beer. And earlier that day Sara and I had some good sushi at a place we ate at in 2004 as well. The salmon was really good and the breakfast at Skagen Brygge hotel is one of the best ones!
Stavanger - Malmö
One might think a 14 hour drive might kill the fun of being on tour, but then you're wrong. On the way back to Malmö, we passed through some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen and the drive really didn't feel that long. We got lost somewhere in the middle of nowhere and had to ask a man and his wife that were out Sunday walking with their kids if .."this is the way to Sweden…?" They looked at us and laughed. But then they gave us directions, so they were nice after all…Hardangervidda!

Norway. It looks like this all over the place

Norway. It looks like this all over the place
Storsjöyran, Östersund
Sara and I did a gig on our own at this festival up north. It was a really good and beautiful gig and we had a big audience that was so quiet I almost thought they weren't there. I borrowed a grand piano, which is always nice to play. It makes the songs sound so much better than with an electric piano. We had an after party at our hotel room together with an old friend of mine, Daniel, who plays the guitar with Swedish Anna Ternheim. Daniel is a great drinker and along with the drummer Pelle from the same band, Sara and I had to really work it to keep up with them…Next time I'm buying, Danne!
Stengade, Copenhagen
This was a nice evening as well, not our best gig, but a good one. Last gig with Marcus Cato in the band and he put on a good show!
Another great after party that night, involving beer and a big bottle of whiskey that was shared between Sara, Tomas and me. Copenhagen is a beautiful city!
The Germany Tour
The whole tour was so much fun, but some things were even more fun than other;
The Römer, Bremen
We got to the venue with hours to spare, but then the main act was sound checking a floor tom for two hours so in the end everything got really stressful. John discovered that their damn floor tom was upside down, which kind of explained why they had such problems with it…amateurs...;-). Like I said - everything was so stressful when we had to go on stage, but as we started playing everything fell into place and we did a really good gig. Then we had beer.
The morning after, Sara and I had breakfast at this really nice café. A Big breakfast with lots of goodies! The sun was shining and the coffee was so good. This was actually one of the best moments on the tour.
Shilleroper, Hamburg
We didn't think much of the evening when we got to this venue; it looked so worn down and dark and moist that we wondered who would actually come to such a place. But as always, we surprised ourselves and did a great show. The audience was really good and interested and we played for an hour and a half or more! Afterwards we went to some squat house where Knarf Rellum was playing .A drunk German heard that we were Swedes and kept screaming / spitting: "VOLVO! SAAB!"

At Schilleroper, Hamburg
Salon Elitaer, Kassel
Salon Elitaer, Kassel
A laid back, almost acoustic gig this night, with a sitting audience. It was just such a nice, calm evening and we slept in a clean apartment with a shower and it may not sound like a lot, but it was!
Chelsea, Vienna, Austria

I played at this venue in 2004 with David & the Citizens. We had a good time then and we had an even better night this time. A really good show and a really good audience. Once again
(and it's starting to sound like we might be drinking too much while on tour, I don' t know…) we had a great party after the gig. We all sat backstage and sang. And I recall a loaf of bread that we threw out the window that all the sudden came flying back…
We had a day off in Vienna and I have to say it is a very beautiful city! Sara, Anette (driver, merchandiser, friend) and me walked around for hours and stumbled upon a sushi place that had sushi for half the price that week only!

Cheap Sushi !
Premysl, Vöcklamarkt, Austria

If you've seen the Sound Of Music musical, then you know what the landscape looks like. We did a gig at this café/ bar that was right at the railway station in this small town. The guy running the place was so nice and the beer was soo good, even though we all just had one or two. The gig was good as usual and we played lots of songs, including "Satellite" that we hardly ever do. But I had promised a girl in Vienna that if she came to this gig as well, we would play it just for her. So we did and it actually went pretty well!
We were accommodated at this really beautiful hostel in a village that only had 6 houses.
The morning after the show we walked up the hills and I was expecting to see Julie Andrews any second!

The hills are alive with the sound of David Fridlund + band
Ok, these were the top gigs of the year, but touring is so much more than being on stage and to me being on tour with a new band was an experience that did me good! We had a lot of fun together and hopefully we'll tour Germany again this spring as Amaterasu is being released there in March. Hopefully.
Ok, these were the top gigs of the year, but touring is so much more than being on stage and to me being on tour with a new band was an experience that did me good! We had a lot of fun together and hopefully we'll tour Germany again this spring as Amaterasu is being released there in March. Hopefully.
Other good stuff:
Mew- released a new album, a great one! I woke up several nights with "the Zookeeper's boy" on my mind .
Death Cab For Cutie -released an album and it is growing every time I listen to it. I didn't like it at first, but Sara's been playing it a lot and now I am hooked as well.
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm. I like this album a lot, don't know why really, cause it's not really my cup of tea, but there is something with his voice that gets to me. And it's so much better than Franz Ferdinand or those other bands they are compared to.Open-air bath- I finally got myself down to the ocean and tried it and now I'm hooked! It's a natural high!
Antistars- They put the Germany tour together. Thanx guys!
This Blog - For a guy who hates computers, starting a blog is not a natural thing to do, but thanks to Sara I am now officially a blogger.
This Blog - For a guy who hates computers, starting a blog is not a natural thing to do, but thanks to Sara I am now officially a blogger.
A bunch of new songs - I've written a lot of new songs during the year that I think are really good. Hopefully there will be a second album one day. Don't know when yet.
American Splendor - a cool movie
Good Will Hunting - I watched it yesterday for the third time and it's still good.
Lord Of the Ring - All three movies are so amazingly good! I've watched them at least 10 times and I'm still exited.
Moi Albino - Don't know if I saw it this year, but it's on the list anyway. An Icelandic movie.
Lord Of the Ring - All three movies are so amazingly good! I've watched them at least 10 times and I'm still exited.
Moi Albino - Don't know if I saw it this year, but it's on the list anyway. An Icelandic movie.
Not so good stuff - having no money what so ever except for paying the rent, bills and food for the past 7 months. But this is of lesser importance compared to the above.
Sara - I love you alwaysToday...
is my birthday. Happy birthday to me.

Tre dagar innan jul...
...så kommer jag tillsammans med Sara att genomföra en spelning på káfe Deluxe i Växjö. Jag vet att jag sa för ett tag sedan att det inte skulle bli fler spelningar på ett tag, men vad fan skall man göra..? Det är ju trots allt så kul att spela live att det är svårt att låta bli.
Det kommer att vara ett piano, en elgitarr, en fläktorgel och våra röster.Det blir en del låtar från Amaterasu och en och annan nygammal bit. Kanske det blir en cover också, jag får se...
Man kommer även kunna köpa sig ett ex av Saras nya demo EP "You" Is More Me Than "I". Passa på!
Så kom till Växjö den 21 december och lyssna på lite pianoklinkande!

Det kommer att vara ett piano, en elgitarr, en fläktorgel och våra röster.Det blir en del låtar från Amaterasu och en och annan nygammal bit. Kanske det blir en cover också, jag får se...
Man kommer även kunna köpa sig ett ex av Saras nya demo EP "You" Is More Me Than "I". Passa på!
Så kom till Växjö den 21 december och lyssna på lite pianoklinkande!

Work in Progress

It is the 1st of December and I just got home from yet another day working at the rehearsal place. I' ve been working on one song for two weeks now, which is definately some kind of record for me. Usually I give up after a day or two if it doesn't work out, but this one has been clinging on to me like glue and I just couldn't leave it until I felt happy with it. I' ve recorded it 5 times now, and maybe - just maybe, it' s finally done. But I'm not sure yet. I wanted it to connect with some other songs I' ve recently recorded, but there was something in it that didn't quite fit in with the rest. We'll see what comes out of all this. Hopefully, in the end, there will be a whole album for you all to listen to, and I can tell you now - it will be pretty different from Amaterasu. At least parts of it.
While shutting myself in, working on songs, I tend to forget the rest of the world and all the things you have to do when you're a grown up... The bills are lying in a pile on the kitchen table and I'll have to leave them there since there is no money what so ever to pay them with. As usual...
And this god damn computer is falling apart any day now. I'll keep blogging until the bitter end!
And this god damn computer is falling apart any day now. I'll keep blogging until the bitter end!
Come As You Are
I had a dream last night where I was out in some small cabin in the middle of a forest, far from everything. I was there with some friends, I'm not sure what our business was but somebody set up a stage in the livingroom of this small house. All of a sudden I was supposed to get up on it along with Frank Black and Thurston Moore. I was just about to go to bed so I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I was pushed up on stage and given a guitarr. Considering the situation, I did pretty well as I tried to sing with my mouth full of tooth paste. We did "Come As You Are", very suitable...
Frank was on my left, steady as a rock. Thurston was all over the place, bending strings, making noises only he can make. I realized I wasn't nervous at all and made some silly joke about how I should always have a toothbrush in my mouth when playing live.
Man, where is my mind?

View from the kitchen
Frank was on my left, steady as a rock. Thurston was all over the place, bending strings, making noises only he can make. I realized I wasn't nervous at all and made some silly joke about how I should always have a toothbrush in my mouth when playing live.
Man, where is my mind?

View from the kitchen
A Cure For Hangovers? Anyone?

The café at Ribersborg
Ooh...I need a cure for my hangover, and I know I could get it if I went to the sauna and swam in the winter cold ocean of Öresund. But I'm not doing that today, so I'll just have to live through the pain...:-/
Me and Sara played a few songs at this student ball last night.
I'm so stupid - I introduced myself very properly, but somehow forgot to introduce Sara. Sorry my love...! We actually played during the dinner. Before the dessert. We were like the pre - dessert.
Ate some cold hamburgers, had a couple of beers. Had a couple of White Russians. And some shots of liquor. We had a really nice time and went to bed around 6 - 6.30.
Ooh my head...
Sara's Blog
My prreciouss, my love Sara Culler has started a blog of her own, where she has just posted two songs for you all to listen to. Do so, it is some good shit!

Drop in and say hello! :-)

Drop in and say hello! :-)
"3 Simple Chords" (honey, I'm not bored)

The clock above the ugly brick building spins lap upon lap upon lap
underneath the compact gray sky.
Sara dances with the sweeper across the pale white wooden floor.
With "3 simple chords", Keith Jarret lands in the middle
of your favourite part of the Köln Concert.
I'm hungry.
An hour seems a long wait.
underneath the compact gray sky.
Sara dances with the sweeper across the pale white wooden floor.
With "3 simple chords", Keith Jarret lands in the middle
of your favourite part of the Köln Concert.
I'm hungry.
An hour seems a long wait.
Johanneskyrkan och annat. (Sorry - it's in Swedish!)
På fredag om en vecka (den 28/10) spelar jag och Sara i Johanneskyrkan, som jag sagt tidigare... Det blir en hel del låtar från Amaterasu, men även ett par nya låtar. Kom dit! Det börjar kl. 21 och jag tror att det är gratis. Det måste det ju vara, jag menar- ta betalt för att komma in i en kyrka låter helt fel eller hur?
Fick 500 spänn av min käre far med posten i dag, vilket räddade tillvaron lite och tillät oss att unna oss något gott för en gångs skull.(det var instruktioner i brevet att vi skulle unna oss något gott...) Så vi gick till Möllans Ost (shit,vad mycket godsaker de har där...livsfarligt att gå in för man vill gärna köpa hela jävla affären... ) Det blev tryffelkorv och Cados - en Brie som är doppad i Calvados sista lagringsdygnet. Det är roligt att handla där, för dels lär man sig lite om olika ostar, korvar och skinkor, och dels är det jävligt kul att studera de "rika,förnäma" människor som kommer in ibland och kliver runt med näsan i vädret, haha...!
Jag såg en fin dokumentär på tv om en hök som flyttade in i Central Park, New York. Det var tydligen första gången man hade observerat en sådan i den miljön. Han trotsade allt sunt förnuft och lyckades locka till sig en hona och byggde ett bo på fasaden av ett hus som vette mot parken. de fick tre ungar som de mot alla odds lyckades inte bara hålla vid liv, utan dessutom lära flyga och allt annat som skall till för att överleva. Hårt nog i naturen kan man tycka. Tänk då hur det är i en av världens största städer. På något sätt var det jävligt skönt och befriande att se något som trotsar den här världen,alla lagar och regler och bara kör sitt eget race. Jag känner mig ofta som en total främling i samhället, känner inte att jag passar in i det dagliga spelet om hur man skall vara eller vad man skall göra. Men jag är inte ensam, va?
Fick 500 spänn av min käre far med posten i dag, vilket räddade tillvaron lite och tillät oss att unna oss något gott för en gångs skull.(det var instruktioner i brevet att vi skulle unna oss något gott...) Så vi gick till Möllans Ost (shit,vad mycket godsaker de har där...livsfarligt att gå in för man vill gärna köpa hela jävla affären... ) Det blev tryffelkorv och Cados - en Brie som är doppad i Calvados sista lagringsdygnet. Det är roligt att handla där, för dels lär man sig lite om olika ostar, korvar och skinkor, och dels är det jävligt kul att studera de "rika,förnäma" människor som kommer in ibland och kliver runt med näsan i vädret, haha...!
Jag såg en fin dokumentär på tv om en hök som flyttade in i Central Park, New York. Det var tydligen första gången man hade observerat en sådan i den miljön. Han trotsade allt sunt förnuft och lyckades locka till sig en hona och byggde ett bo på fasaden av ett hus som vette mot parken. de fick tre ungar som de mot alla odds lyckades inte bara hålla vid liv, utan dessutom lära flyga och allt annat som skall till för att överleva. Hårt nog i naturen kan man tycka. Tänk då hur det är i en av världens största städer. På något sätt var det jävligt skönt och befriande att se något som trotsar den här världen,alla lagar och regler och bara kör sitt eget race. Jag känner mig ofta som en total främling i samhället, känner inte att jag passar in i det dagliga spelet om hur man skall vara eller vad man skall göra. Men jag är inte ensam, va?
Sunday Driving
I just got home from a couple of hours driving around in the beautiful October landscape.(oh, well I don't have a drivers license.Yet. But Saras mum does...) Man, it's beautiful now with all the colours in the trees and the clear blue sky and the dark blue sea! I know It sounds like I work for the tourist agency, but if you have experienced Skåne (the south of Sweden), you know what I'm talking about.
Today we drove down to Smygehuk which is as far south you can go in Sweden. We stopped in the small harbour for a herring sandwich which was SO good! The landscape surrounding Malmö is just so beautiful and I really can't see myself living somewhere else. (ok, maybe one day I´ll try Copenhagen...).
Me and Sara went out walking yesterday, we went through the city down to the harbour (there was/still is a photo exhibition with pictures of Skåne taken from the air.Really nice!) where new apartment buildings are popping up all around.That whole area used to be industrial before. There used to be a shipyard and a huge crane which was kind of a symbol for Malmö. But everything shut down a couple of years ago and instead they built us a skyscraper (!) which is a beautiful building, but really has no other purpose than to be something to brag about and show the tourists. The rent for a two room apartment is ridiculous and there's not even a restaurant at the top of the damn thing. It's a building for people with money to spend and to me it has got nothing to do with ordinary people.
But everything is about money, isn't it? Money money money, fucking money. It is the only thing I haven't got. My economy is so bad these days, I don't know what to do. I'm soon to be 31 and I still have to call my father to help me pay the bills now and then. I'm looking for a job, I even concidered getting one of those telephone jobs where you call people up and try to sell them all kinds of bullshit. But every time I read the adds I get sick and want to throw up. "We're looking for a person who LOVES to compete and LOVES to make money..."
Fuckin´idiots. Not my cup of tea.
I don't need a lot of money, all I ask for is enough to pay the rent, take my dear girlfriend out for dinner and movie now and then and maybe buy some clothes. I'm not a big spender ´cause I'm not interested in buying things.There's nothing I want.
Today we drove down to Smygehuk which is as far south you can go in Sweden. We stopped in the small harbour for a herring sandwich which was SO good! The landscape surrounding Malmö is just so beautiful and I really can't see myself living somewhere else. (ok, maybe one day I´ll try Copenhagen...).
Me and Sara went out walking yesterday, we went through the city down to the harbour (there was/still is a photo exhibition with pictures of Skåne taken from the air.Really nice!) where new apartment buildings are popping up all around.That whole area used to be industrial before. There used to be a shipyard and a huge crane which was kind of a symbol for Malmö. But everything shut down a couple of years ago and instead they built us a skyscraper (!) which is a beautiful building, but really has no other purpose than to be something to brag about and show the tourists. The rent for a two room apartment is ridiculous and there's not even a restaurant at the top of the damn thing. It's a building for people with money to spend and to me it has got nothing to do with ordinary people.
But everything is about money, isn't it? Money money money, fucking money. It is the only thing I haven't got. My economy is so bad these days, I don't know what to do. I'm soon to be 31 and I still have to call my father to help me pay the bills now and then. I'm looking for a job, I even concidered getting one of those telephone jobs where you call people up and try to sell them all kinds of bullshit. But every time I read the adds I get sick and want to throw up. "We're looking for a person who LOVES to compete and LOVES to make money..."
Fuckin´idiots. Not my cup of tea.
I don't need a lot of money, all I ask for is enough to pay the rent, take my dear girlfriend out for dinner and movie now and then and maybe buy some clothes. I'm not a big spender ´cause I'm not interested in buying things.There's nothing I want.
I want to make music and the past week has been really good when it comes to that; I've written four new songs. I´m not sure if they are Citizens songs or songs for the David Fridlund project. I have to think about it.
Got to go now, we're defrosting the fridge.
The Austrian guys took some pictures, too...
Some pics from the Germany/Austria-tour

1.On stage, Berlin
2. Pfefferbank
3.In a cornfield in Austria
4.Sara at Shilleroper, Hamburg
5.Eehh? Berlin, late night...
6.John and Sara at Pfefferberg, Berlin
7.Bunkicki'n John, Hamburg
8.In a couch, Berlin
9.John Cleese? (Tomas Ebrelius)
12.In Bremen
13.At Prager Frühling in Münich
14.Outside Premysl,Vöcklamarckt
15.The band, Münich
16.Sara at a café in Vienna (good coffee!)
17.We played some songs live on the radio in Kassel (Thomas was there as well.We did "Then I Will Miss You" and "Circles" on guitar,vocals,keyboard and viola.Beautiful!
18.Annette & Sara on the slopes outside Vornach (Austria) (yes, they're small and far away, but they're out there In the Sound of Music-ish landscape!)
19.Annette, our merchandicer/driver at a squathouse in Hamburg
September 25
Back again in Malmö ,Schweden after ten days of fun and alcohol! We've really had a great time in Germany and Austria and I have to say "thanx" to everyone who turned up at the gigs!!
I' ll put some pictures up in a coupple of days. Now I'm off to get some Pad Thai from the local thai restaurant and the rest of this hung over Sunday will be spent taking it very easy in front of the TV...maybe together with the "lord of the rings"?
I'm tired but happy! I want to tour Germany / Austria again.
I' ll put some pictures up in a coupple of days. Now I'm off to get some Pad Thai from the local thai restaurant and the rest of this hung over Sunday will be spent taking it very easy in front of the TV...maybe together with the "lord of the rings"?
I'm tired but happy! I want to tour Germany / Austria again.
Update Again
Just a quick update again, before we head out for breakfast here in Kassel. a LONG drive today down to Vienna. Yesterday was a great show, really! The audience seemed very very happy, they just wouldnt stop clapping hands.
Hamburg was a good show too, we went to a party at a big squat house, where Knarf Rellum played. Strange place, nice people.
The apartment where we slept was a wreck, or how should I say...? Now I really have to go. But a big thanx to everyone who's been at the shows so far! You are all great!
Talk to you all soon...
Hamburg was a good show too, we went to a party at a big squat house, where Knarf Rellum played. Strange place, nice people.
The apartment where we slept was a wreck, or how should I say...? Now I really have to go. But a big thanx to everyone who's been at the shows so far! You are all great!
Talk to you all soon...
Germany so far
Tonight we played at Röhmer in Bremen. Nice venue, good people and a lot of beer. I / we acted as an opening act for Savoy Grand. We did a good gig, after a day filled with troubbles of all kinds... Yesterdays gig at Pfefferbank in Berlin was great! First show for our new boy Tomas. We slept at a worn down apartment, maybe a junkie lived there, I don't know...
It's great to be on tour and even though this is indeed a "low- fi tour". Germany is great and everyone is very friendly. I whish we had a cable for our digital camera, then we coulÄve put out some of all the silly pictures taken so far...
Tomorrow it's Hamburg and we're not in a hurry, so we can sleep late. And that is great!
It's great to be on tour and even though this is indeed a "low- fi tour". Germany is great and everyone is very friendly. I whish we had a cable for our digital camera, then we coulÄve put out some of all the silly pictures taken so far...
Tomorrow it's Hamburg and we're not in a hurry, so we can sleep late. And that is great!