Skånetrafiken kan brinna i helvetet!
Jag menar det. Jag brukar inte bli arg över saker så jätteofta, men i dag var det illa.
Jag och Sara tog en buss från Malmö som gick till Kristianstad. Strax norr om Lund var det (enligt skånetrafikens hemsida) tänkt att vi skulle byta till en anslutande buss som gick till Löberöd där Johan som spelar in mig, skulle hämta med bil. Jättebra, bara det att bussen vi kom med var elva minuter försenad så vi missade anslutningsbussen. Nästa gick två timmar senare. Så vi var strandade på E22 :an utan mobiltelefon eller en människa att fråga om telefon. Så vi fick knata in till närmsta by och fråga en tjej vi mötte om vi fick låna telefonen. Fick vi såklart - folk är snälla mot varandra på landet- ringde efter Johan och blev hämtade efter ca 40 minuter. Innan dess frågade vi en annan busschaufför om det där med anslutningsbussen och han sa att på härligt klingande skånska att "di däer bussarna har aldri vatt nårra anslutningsbussar, de funkar ente - bussen e alltid seen".
Väl investerade 150 pickadoller för att bli strandsatta på E22:an!
Studioarbetet gick ok. men det var lite strul med vissa saker. Sen åt vi Stinas kyckling. Det var gott iallafall. I morgon sticker vi ut igen. Med tåg den här gången. Till Höör. Återstår att se om tåget eller Johan är i tid.
Är det förresten någon som vet vad italienaren sa till Zinedane?
I Got Fed Up With Writing In English
Jag var ett par dagar på semester denna veckan faktiskt; tre fantastiska dagar på den danska ön Samsö. Faktum är att det var första gången jag varit på semester sedan jag var liten och åkte runt med familjen i den gamla SAABen. Vettiga normala människor tar semester en gång om året och det fattar jag fullständigt. Jag skulle behöva åka bort från allting ett tag, inte tänka på musik, band, spelninger, inspelningar osv. Det kanske låter gnälligt och ja; jag har världens bästa jobb. Ja; jag har världens sämst betalda jobb, lever nästan jämt på luft och vatten känns det som. Det och en järnhård vilja att faktiskt få göra det som jag älskar så jävla mycket och som samtidigt suger musten ur mig - nämligen musik. Jag kan inte tänka mig att det finns något annat som kan få mig att må bra. Möjligtvis att gå tillbaks till att måla, men det är ju om möjligt ännu sämre betalt än att spela i band.
Jag lyssnade på "Ring P1" härom morgonen. Det talades en del om nedladdning från nätet. Två grabbar ringde in och hävdade det självklara i att få ladda ner gratis musik. De fick det fan att framstå som att det var deras mänskliga rättighet att få musik gratis och det gör mig så förbannad. Jag fattar ju också problematiken i nedladdningar/nätet och hur det skall kontrolleras och betalas etc. Det folk inte tycks fatta är ju att det de tar för givet att de skall få gratis, är frukten av allt det arbete som jag som musiker har lagt ner under flera år. Jag undrar om de skulle vilja stå vid löpande bandet, eller sitta på sin jävla reklambyrå eller vad de nu gör, jobba som fan bara för att i slutet av månaden få lönen norpad mitt framför ögonen av en främling som dyker förbi och säger; "Tjena! du, det är min mänskliga rättighet att ta din lön så jag gör det."
Jag tror nämligen inte att de skulle tycka det var så kul. Det är så jag ser på saken, sedan finns det ju såklart hundra argument för och hundra argument emot...och visst är det en jättebra grej att kunna lägga ut sina låtar på nätet för nedladdning - det har jag ju också gjort- men det är fel att stjäla fick jag lära mig när jag var liten. Tror det står i bibeln också men vet inte riktigt, jag har aldrig läst bibeln trots att den finns i byrolådorna på varenda hotel man hamnar på (men det är Nya Testamentet, kanske inte är samma sak, är det någon som vet?)
I morgon skall jag iallafall åka ut till studion i Sebbarp och börja spela in min andra skiva i egenskap av soloartist. Det kommer bli skitbra. Faktum är att det kommer bli den bästa samling låtar jag har gjort, inklusive den kommande Citizens skivan. Sug på den!
Summer In Malmö
Two nights ago we went down to this new really great place in the harbour called "Amore" which is a restaurant/club - very unswedish in a way (a good way!)- they serve delicious food and the new concert hall is cool as well. We went there to see Blood Music play live. It wasn't as good as the last time I saw them, the sound was too low and people where talking way too loud, which ruined the show a bit. None the less, Karl Jonas (Blood Music) has some good songs and I have the greatest respect for him.
I don't know why, but a couple living in the building across the street has hung up a big sign outside their windows saying: "How long are you going to stare? What do you expect to find?" I guess they've been having problems with somebody staring...perhaps it is time to move from the city and get a small house somewhere in the countryside...?
Tomorrow it is Accelerator time! (A festival in the peoples park just around the corner) and we're having some friends over at noon to start the day with some BBQ and perhaps a beer to find that festival mood.
It was ages since I went to a festival, saw a clip on the news from Roskilde and it reminded me of how fun is is being at festivals. I hate to say it, but I prefer the backstage areas where it is (mostly) a little cleaner and better toilets and stuff like that... I guess you´ve got to use the luxury when you have the chance.
Last but not least: maybe, maybe I will start recording my new album in about a week from now. Nothing is really settled yet, but I am crossing my fingers, hoping everything will work out as planned. The reason for all this trouble is that the guy I wanted to record the album asked for too much money which we could not,money, we had to find someone else to do it, but wanting and being able to are two different things as always. I think we have now managed to agree on what date we will start, but that´s about it, so we´ll see what happens. I have all these great songs and all I want is to record them and bring them to you because I think you would really like them. Why is everybody so fucking hungry for money...?
We are going to Denmark for holiday soon. I´m looking forward to it!
Erebus + Amazon
20e Juni
Så typiskt Raul - att alltid se något kul i eländet. Att lyckas dribbla förbi det jobbiga / ledsamma och ge fingret åt skiten, att triumferande brista ut i skratt när allt var som mörkast. Det var typiskt för Raul och det är en egenskap jag själv önskar att jag hade, men som jag när jag jämför inser att jag saknar. Jag låter ibland eländet ta överhanden och jag har oftast jävligt svårt att se det bra i det dåliga.
Det kunde Raul och det beundrar jag honom för.
Under minnesstunden i fredags förväntade jag mig nästan att han skulle kliva in genom kapellets dörrar och skratta och ropa "hallå allihopa, vad kul att ni är här!". Mitt i det sorgliga så kunde jag inte låta bli att tänka på ett foto av Raul från i julas, där han sitter med en polotröja uppdragen över huvudet och en apelsin placerad där skallen borde vara...väldigt typiskt Raul...
Tänkte på en annan sak också. När jag var en tolv, tretton år runt 1988 så köpte min mor och Raul ett piano till mig, ett elektriskt Yamaha som jag hade och satt och spelade på i Huset i Ljungbyhed. Det där jävla pianot betalade sedan Raul på ända tills så sent som förra året! Vilken omtanke. Jag hade ingen aning om att han betalade på det så jävla länge, men det gjorde han...Jag skrev många låtar på det där pianot och det följde med ut på alla spelningar jag gjorde i två år, innan det blev för slitet av allt upp och ner- monterande.
Till sist vill jag bara säga tack till alla som kom på minnesstunden för Raul.
Om man nu kan säga ; "det var trevligt" så skulle jag vilja göra det...
Long Time No See
Now for something more positive and fun;
First of all, I'd like to draw your attention towards my dear Sara as she has just finished recording her new demo and I want all of you to listen to it and maybe even buy it from her. You can download two tracks on her blog.
I have also - finally - got some new pictures up from the Germany tour a month ago. Better late than never…
Last but not least; If everything works out, I will be entering a studio in July to record my new album! I'm really looking forward to it and I'm very exited about it!





1.In A garden in Kiel, the morning after the first gig.
2.Sara & Annette having Tequila in München.
3.All you can eat Sushi in Hamburg! And it was closed :-(
4.At Subway, Cologne.
5.Yes, I'm Swedish and I'm in town (in Kiel)
6.A faint rainbow outside of Kassel
7.Some posters...
8.On stage (or the lack of one...) in München
9.Prinzenbar, Hamburg
10.On stage in Kiel
11.Same again...
12.Sara guiding us through STAU land!
13.John and Rickard doing some real work ;-)
14.We actually got to sign a bunch of autographs in Kiel!
15.Annette sleeping in Das Auto
16.Looking lost in Berlin...
17.At Prinzenbar, Hamburg
18.Rickard and I got beaten by to Germans. We lost and we lost big...
19. Me and Sara enjoying a drink
20.The band in front of the dome in Cologne. Impressive building!
And I know - the layout on this little picture thing is fucked up, don't ask me why - it didn't look like this until I posted the damn thing...but you'll get the picture anyway...
Raul Blücher
Dear "Plastic Dad", You will be missed so much.
Raul Blücher
1930 - 2006
To Munich and Back
Munich was one of the best nights by the way. Even though we were four hours late, the owner of the club ( Gerd ) was happy and really nice. One of the biggest proffessionals we met on this trip.
The dry tour bus air and smoky clubs have ruined my fragile health and I went to the doctor this morning and got some asthma medicin and caugh medicin for some kind of bronchitis/ catharr. In Sweden you're not allowed to smoke on clubs and restaurants, but you can in Germany. And they do.
I'll make sure to put up a bunch of pictures as soon as I can.
Thanx to all the venues who booked me, and thanx for all you guys who came to see us play!
A Failed Attemp To Link Reviews
P.S. The original text was well written and a good review as well. It was taken from a Dutch blog called Motel Magnolia. ;-)
"I bone older had, had I known what he meant, I would not property bone quiet; I would property ripped his heart out, the chest and chopped it down his throat again. But I sat satisfy. And I hero your hand."
And just the beheerstheid of David Fridlund self prevents that the over-the-top drama becomes and with that sees to this number absolutely for the fifth clew line. Someone else high point is the number Three Pictures (Or You & You & You), what a good structure shows and also a good example is of the alternation on the cd. Only actual its all numbers high points.
Germany is Getting It!
You can listen/download the jingle here. It's in German though so unless you speak German you won't understand a whole lot. But what the hell...if you feel like listening to some short samples of my songs and a guy speaking "deutch" about them, then you know where to click!
Bad News, Good News
Bad News;
Sunday afternoon and I'm trapped in the apartment with a case of pneumonia. It takes a lot before I go to the doctor but after three days of fever and coughing and blowing my nose, I finally agreed to go to the health centre to see what was the matter with me. So - pneumonia, not the third degree but still...enough to keep me in bed for at least a day or two still. Penicillin will do the trick hopefully.
Good News;
The other day I was reading the paper when all the sudden I saw my name in it. It turned out I have been rewarded a scholarship! The city of Malmö (where I live) has a scholarship for musicians, artists, actors and so on that they give out every year and this year I was one of the holders of this scholarsip! I applied for it a couple of months ago and had almost forgot about it, so it was a great surprice for me! Maybe my financial problems are over for a while.(knock on wood) In any case, it certainly is a recognition of my work the past years and it allows me to keep doing what I'm doing!
Malmö stad kulturstipendium
The Worst Gig Ever
We got some pictures on a disc that was taken four months ago, including some pics from a gig Sara and I did on the 21 of December at this great place in Växjö. The venue is one of the nicest ones I've played at, but the audience...well, I had to ask them to shut up. Twice. I don't usually do that, but I couldn't hear myself sing and it' s kind of hard performing when you can't hear your own voice or even the piano. So - I stood up after the first song and kindly asked for everyones attention for a while but it really made no difference and after we had done most songs, the noise from the crowd had grown even worse and I told them to please shut the fuck up. And somebody screamed at us to get off the stage, so we finished in the best way we could, then got off the stage and had a few beers instead.

A cosy and beautiful little stage, but a nightmare audience.
Another Day In Life
I feel frustrated - I want to record, but there is never time, my brother is always working and it seems there are a million other things do do. I have all these great songs that I just want to get down on tape. Or on a disc...
Time time time... time is all I have and still it's not enough.
We rehearsed again yesterday and the pieces are slowly falling into place. We've worked on three new ones and refreshed our collective memory of the old ones and I love playing these songs. I love being on the road, I love doing what I'm doing, still I always feel like I'm missing out on something else...why is that? How come we're always looking for something else? Is it just the human nature or am I an idiot? ;-)
The man with the knives
"I sell really good chef knives. Cheap."
"No thanx", she replied
"Very cheap!", said the man
"No thanx"'
"No, I'm not buying"
"I need money!!!" said the man. But the woman had a face of stone and he turned around and walked out...
Desperate last try. You've got to give him some credit for trying!
No knives sold, he should have tried the food instead, would've made him 65 swedish crowns poorer, but a little happier!
Chasing the Dream

Who's this angry young man? Would you pick a fight with him if you met him in a dark alley?
We're rehearsing again tonight at 7 with the band. We tried out a new song the day before yesterday - "Chasing the Dream" - and I sounded really good, almost too good to be the first time we played it... I'll be playing the trumpet in the intro... so that's something for you Germans to look forward to on the tour in May.
In an hour I'm going to an interview for a job. I won't tell you what kind of a job, 'cos it's really something I have sworn I would never do, but what can you do when you're always broke broke broke? (it's not porn, if you thought so ;-)
Also, we're working on making some nice t-shirts with the "Amaterasu - butterflies" on. I think it will look really good and I'll bring some with me on the tour.
Finally - Tour Dates Set
Here are the tourdates:
| Nachtcafe | Kiel | ||
| Prinzenbar | Hamburg | ||
| Subway | Köln | ||
| Südstadt | München | ||
| Salon Elitaer | Kassel | ||
| Trompete | Berlin |
I hope to find some time the next couple of weeks to rehearse with the band and to make sure we do at least one or two new songs in addition to the tracks from "Amaterasu"... see you there,yes?
Recording. Again.

Some pictures from today and yesterday. My brother and me. And Beppe making a funny face...
Blood Music, White Russian And an Exellent Soup!
After dinner we fell into a time machine when we went over to our dear friend David's place for a little warm up party. I call it a time machine because I don't see my old friends that often anymore, unfortunately (I'm always busy with this music thing…) and when I see them it feels like time has been standing still since last time we met. And every time I see them I am reminded who my best friends really are…
After a White Russian or two we all headed over to "Inkonst " to see Blood Music play. The man behind Blood Music is Karl-Jonas Winqvist who is also one fourth of First Floor Power which is a good band. But Blood Music was better. It is not often you see a band play music that is so warm, playful, genuine and…good. I was impressed and happy to see him do so very well on his own. When I get some money (yes I still think it could happen!) I will buy the album. You all should.
And now the best news of all: my dear stepfather (sometimes referred to as "plastic dad") is slowly recovering and is now wide awake, up and about. The nurses say it's a remarkable recovery and it makes me think maybe, just maybe there is a god or something out there who is looking out for us, making sure not all the good guys in this world leave too soon…Thank you…god?
I am Back
I have recorded most of "Diamonds & Photographs" now and I will work on another song on Wednesday. Don't know what song I will start with, but I think "Piscine" might be the one.
I am so looking forward to getting this album together. It feels more exciting than the new citizens stuff in a way. I have a very clear picture in my head of how I want it to sound and I love trying to transfer the image into reality.
Another Gig

Me and Sara just got off the stage at "Sydskånska Nationen" which is a students place in Lund. We were asked to play just two or three days ago and we gladly accepted, poor as we are. My god, it feels like somebody is looking after us. I took out my last hundred crowns the day before yesterday, so this gig was sooo welcome.
We did ok I guess - not our best gig ever, it is hard to play sad beautiful songs infront of an audience that most of all wants to get drunk and "dance" to "Blietzkrieg bop". You know what I mean ;-) Well it was ok. People are nice and so...
Got to go now. They're buying us a drink.