Another Gig

Me and Sara just got off the stage at "Sydskånska Nationen" which is a students place in Lund. We were asked to play just two or three days ago and we gladly accepted, poor as we are. My god, it feels like somebody is looking after us. I took out my last hundred crowns the day before yesterday, so this gig was sooo welcome.
We did ok I guess - not our best gig ever, it is hard to play sad beautiful songs infront of an audience that most of all wants to get drunk and "dance" to "Blietzkrieg bop". You know what I mean ;-) Well it was ok. People are nice and so...
Got to go now. They're buying us a drink.
Posted by: Adam
Lever du/ni på att vara musiker?
Posted by: david
ehh, ja med nöd och näppe har jag/vi gjort det de senaste två-tre åren. Vi hankar oss fram.Klagar inte, men inte fan är man rik precis...