Chasing the Dream


Who's this angry young man?  Would you pick a fight with him if you met him in a dark alley?

We're rehearsing again tonight at 7 with the band. We tried out a new song the day before yesterday - "Chasing the Dream" - and I sounded really good, almost too good to be the first time we played it... I'll be playing the trumpet in the intro... so that's something for you Germans to look forward to on the tour in May.

In an hour I'm going to an interview for a job. I won't tell you what kind of a job, 'cos it's really something I have sworn I would never do, but what can you do when you're always broke broke broke? (it's not porn, if you thought so ;-)

Also, we're working on making some nice t-shirts with the "Amaterasu - butterflies" on. I think it will look really good and I'll bring some with me on the tour.

I read on It's A Trap   that Radio Department (also from Malmö) were threatened by swedish evening paper "Expressen" after they turned down an interview...Way to go Radio dpt! More bands should boycott those papers - they only write crap anyway. Crap crap crap, day after day after day. Boycott more! I mean, the world is such a beautiful place, but there is so much crap in it, so much hate, so much of everything. Do we really need to read those lousy gossip tabloids to realize the world sucks? I don't think so, but who am I to tell? What do you think?

Posted by: Kogo

I think your right David. Newspapers feed on our fears and hate and only make us feel worse. Nowadays I get excited when I read about Little Lisa caught a 5 kilo fish in Storsjön just because its not a negative article. The people should demand more from papers and tv-news. Did you know that we get about 10000 news a day to some little office who pick out 100 of those news and give those 100 to the newspapers who in their turn take 20 of those and put them into magazines :)? Sad really.

2006-04-04 @ 14:49:36
Posted by: Anders

Sounds crazy with the newspaper!

Sounds good with the t-shirts! Hope you'll take some with to the SPOT gig here in Denmark, even though it's a Citizens gig. Oh, and posters! I think I've lost my amaterasu poster when I moved.

Best of luck on the tour!

Posted by: david

Anders- if you come to SPOT, just talk to me and I'll give you some posters. Förstör du svenska, by the way?

2006-04-04 @ 18:39:02
Posted by: david

uppenbarligen "förstör" jag svenska...jag menade "förstår"... ;-)

2006-04-04 @ 18:40:02
Posted by: Kogo

Jag har kikar igenom din blogg lite David och blev nyfiken på en grejj. Unique visitors - 1? Är det besök från yttre rymden typ?

2006-04-05 @ 11:21:09
Posted by: Leszek

Kul att ni kommer till Popaganda i maj. Ser fram emot det.

2006-04-06 @ 06:34:59

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