Come As You Are
Frank was on my left, steady as a rock. Thurston was all over the place, bending strings, making noises only he can make. I realized I wasn't nervous at all and made some silly joke about how I should always have a toothbrush in my mouth when playing live.
Man, where is my mind?

View from the kitchen
Du borde spela en cover på Come as you are bara för det. På riktigt.
Eller ännu hellre "Where is my mind" :)
has anyone noticed the adverts on this site - they sync with the headline of the post..... so hangovers atracts lots of potions and ideas from dodgy medicine men, and then toothbrush assumes you need help...your teeth, I wonder of the headline was "Betina!" what this blog would come up with. I reckon David should do a cover.....he never plays them live, soa cover of...a style council song, yeah style council - The Paris Match, or Pebble and the BOy by PW
Yes, we've noticed and it's kind of ridiculous.
As a answer:
Ok. Send :-)
I'm sooooo happy that I found your blog! I've been listening to you since Amaterasu came out. I was trying to figure out how I first heard about your music...I think it might have been on, but I'm not sure...either way, as soon as I saw the April & May video, I was hooked! I bought your album the same day. It was your music that got me listening to other Swedish artists - e.g. Sara Culler (the love of your life, not that I need to tell you that), Dungen, Jens Lekman, etc.
Anywho, I have so many questions for you...Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess, whose name can be translated to mean 'she who shines in the heavens'. Is this a reference to Sara? Speaking of which, I emailed her b/c I totally dig her demos and would like to buy them. If you talk to her before she reads her email, can you remind her to write me back? ;^)
I know I'm "talking your ear off", so I'll logoff soon, but I first wanted to let you know that I LOVE 'Me Against You'...I've totally been mainlining (a term I use when I can't stop replaying music) it today, along with Sara's 'Blackbird Duet' and 'Lies of Justice House'...what a beautifully personal song! Did you write this when you guys were fighting? I love the honesty of the song..."it's always a question of who's hurting who...why is it you against against you?"...but by the end of the song you're crying out, "I love you always, I love you, Sara..."'s so beautiful, man!
Okay, I've asked you a plethora of questions...I'll stop for now.
If you'd rather not answer over the blog, you can email me at [email protected] or [email protected]...
Okay, wait, one more question...I'm planning a trip to Sweden this summer. What's the best time to visit? Tix are mad expensive, so I want get my money's worth.
I hope this finds you well, David. Thank you for the amazing music!
PS To continue the globalized perspecitive on your blog, I'm writing from Washingtong, DC (I work here mon-thurs of every week) and I live in Chicago. Btw, Chicago loves you!!! You should totally come perform there, I guarantee there are venues you could sell out.
And one more thing, with regard to the April & May video...the direction on that video is amazing! I dig the cuts of the close ups of you and Sara singing, esp. the fade away shot where her tooth looks like a glimmering star as the camera pulls away out of focus - great shot.
Okay, it's almost midnight here in DC, I've gotta hit the hay.
Take care,
Lot of things here at the same time! Thank you for caring about my music. And Sara's music as well. She is so talented and I whish more people would hear her songs.(Amaterasu is Saras middle name and I borrowed it from her for this album) You have no idea how fun it is to get emails like yours. Sometimes it feels like I'm just doing this music - thing for myself and it warms my heart to get reminded there are people out there who cares :-) thanx!
If you're going to Sweden, I would recommend that you come in June or August, that is - if you want to combine your touristing wiath a visit to one of the music festivals here. the Hultsfred - festival is in June and the Emmaboda - festival in August. I prefer Emmaboda, since it's a small, friendly and vera lovely little festival. Lots of bands have played there over the years, like Neutral Milk Hotel and Polyphonic Spree to mention a few.
Come to Malmö as well, it's a beautiful city, especially in the summer!(we have a festival too, in July called Accellerator.This summer Sonic Youth, Devendra Banhart among others played).
I would love to go to the states, but it's always the question of who's paying for it... me and Sara are currently hanging on by a thin thread when it comes to money. You should write the label that released Amaterasu in USA ( A Hidden Agenda) and tell them to bring us over! And tell your friends to do the same. Actually, I dreamed I was in New York last night.I've never been there, but I would like so much to go some day.
Ok, that's it for me.
By the way - I also like the April & May video very much. It was made by a guy called Anders Weberg. One of the good guys! (
All the best!
tjena min arbetskamrat!
jag skickade ut ett opersonligt mail till många musikvänner om en spelning vi gör i malmö på lör, tidigare idag men hade inte din mail. Vet att detta kanske är för hård musik för din smak men det hade varit kul att ses. Det är ju gratis om du blir medlem och ölen lär ju vara billig. Det ligger ungefär där vi repar så det är inget problem att hitta. Hoppas du är hemma. Bara ett förslag på en enkel lördagunderhållning....mailet följer.. Vi hörs! m.v.h postiljonen
"Lördagen den 3:e december lirar Deville i Malmö! Detta sker i Hårdrock Skånes
lokaler på Norra Grängesbergsgatan 24 tillsammans med metallkillarna i
Sovereign från Falköping. Missa inte detta tillfälle att få en live-försmak på
Deville´s split med Sergej The Freak som släpps den 16 dec på Daredevile
Records. Enda chansen att se Deville i sann stoneranda innan releasefesterna
och turnéen i tyskland tar vid...
bli medlem(gratis) och kom gratis in på"
Hilsen fra Klovnen "Tulliball"