You Ought To Write Something Soon!
So Sara keeps telling me I should write something here and I agree, I'm just not sure what I should write about. Still a lot of stuff happening with and around the Citizens now, but I am working on new solo songs all the time. I've been trying to finish this tune I've had in my head for a week but it just won't come out right. The chords are good and the melody is really sweet, but there's something with the lyrics that just annoys me when I sing it. So...gotta re-write it I think.
Sara has been booked to open for Juliana Hatfield on KB here in Malmö, Sweden and I will be assisting her - doing bass and drums on those beautiful tunes of her! I think that is a great thing and I'm looking forward to it.
No. That's it for now. Got to go to bed.
Sara has been booked to open for Juliana Hatfield on KB here in Malmö, Sweden and I will be assisting her - doing bass and drums on those beautiful tunes of her! I think that is a great thing and I'm looking forward to it.
No. That's it for now. Got to go to bed.
We Survived Again
Yepp, we survived yet another trip to Germany. We (David & the Citizens) flew back and forth on the Autobahn without getting into a crash which I always expect will happen sooner or later. So far so good (knock on wood).
I really like Berlin I think it's a really cool city. I like the mixture of ruins / new buildings, cosy cafés / snobby designer bars. The rich and the poor. Old and the new. Dreadlocks and office rats with suits. East and west. And I like those mopeds they drive around on, they look really old and rusty, like the Trabants or something.
We played at Magnet at the PopCom festival. It was a good gig and a nice little afterparty. They had the backstage area in the same room where they kept all the beer, so there wasn't really any shortage of alcohol, but after one or two beers I was fed up with it so me and Sara went to the hostel. I'm glad she was with me so I didn't have to go on my own, that would have been really depressing...
Last night we played at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg and that was a gig worth to remember. Or not. I'm not going to complain about it, let's just say people were friendly but somewhat confused and I got the feeling nobody was really on top of things. All the techniqe somehow broke down at the same time - the monitors broke so they had to get new ones, the bass + the bass amp died and we didn't get to play more than 30 minutes due to all the problems because the curfew was at 23.30. Oh well, now I did complain...sorry ;-) Met my German label (Quintus and Simone on BB-Island, really nice guys) and a German couple who always show up when we play (David Fridlund or David & the Citizens) and they are also really nice people and I like talking to them. I feel I wasn't as friendly yesterday as I should have been...if you read this - sorry ...
We got to our hotel (John was a hero and stayed sober to drive) and me and Sara stayed up chatting to two english guys that were roadies/tour managers/drivers or whatever for some English band that I can't remember the name of. We also took a short walk to Burger King for a late night snack, which was really good. And well needed since we never got our food tickets at the festival (here I go again, complaining buhu...sob sob ;-) )
I woke up with a hangover this morning, really looking forward to a nice hotel breakfast but it turned out breakfast was just a croisson (how the hell is that spelled... well you know what I mean?) and a cup of coffee. Buhu sob sob...
Beautiful weather throughout the trip.
I love being on the road. I honestly do!
I really like Berlin I think it's a really cool city. I like the mixture of ruins / new buildings, cosy cafés / snobby designer bars. The rich and the poor. Old and the new. Dreadlocks and office rats with suits. East and west. And I like those mopeds they drive around on, they look really old and rusty, like the Trabants or something.
We played at Magnet at the PopCom festival. It was a good gig and a nice little afterparty. They had the backstage area in the same room where they kept all the beer, so there wasn't really any shortage of alcohol, but after one or two beers I was fed up with it so me and Sara went to the hostel. I'm glad she was with me so I didn't have to go on my own, that would have been really depressing...
Last night we played at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg and that was a gig worth to remember. Or not. I'm not going to complain about it, let's just say people were friendly but somewhat confused and I got the feeling nobody was really on top of things. All the techniqe somehow broke down at the same time - the monitors broke so they had to get new ones, the bass + the bass amp died and we didn't get to play more than 30 minutes due to all the problems because the curfew was at 23.30. Oh well, now I did complain...sorry ;-) Met my German label (Quintus and Simone on BB-Island, really nice guys) and a German couple who always show up when we play (David Fridlund or David & the Citizens) and they are also really nice people and I like talking to them. I feel I wasn't as friendly yesterday as I should have been...if you read this - sorry ...
We got to our hotel (John was a hero and stayed sober to drive) and me and Sara stayed up chatting to two english guys that were roadies/tour managers/drivers or whatever for some English band that I can't remember the name of. We also took a short walk to Burger King for a late night snack, which was really good. And well needed since we never got our food tickets at the festival (here I go again, complaining buhu...sob sob ;-) )
I woke up with a hangover this morning, really looking forward to a nice hotel breakfast but it turned out breakfast was just a croisson (how the hell is that spelled... well you know what I mean?) and a cup of coffee. Buhu sob sob...
Beautiful weather throughout the trip.
I love being on the road. I honestly do!
Four More Beers!
Ja, jag skall inte säga att jag är förvånad, men ändå jävligt besviken över att hela detta land har gått och blivit Reinfeltifierade...För mig är det i alla fall så att det liv jag lever/vill leva inte går ihop med en borgerlig politik och det är hemskt ledsamt att se att Sverige har gått på myten om den "enskilde individens rätt till att välja". Jag tror axelmakterna - förlåt - alliansen kommer ha 4 år på sig att leka och köra allt i botten innan folket förhoppningsvis tar sitt förnuft till fånga och röstar in en vänsterregering. Å andra sidan kanske det svenska folkets förnuft är försvunnet eftersom Sveridemokraterna fick över 20% i tex. Landskrona. Hjälp.
Jag säger inte "Four More Years" utan "Four More Beers!" Det kan sannerligen behövas lite hjärncellsförlust för att orka sig igenom den här sörjan. Ska åka till Tyskland med Citizens i helgen. Där röstar man in rena nazistpartier i politiken. Det känns inte heller så fräscht.
"Don't mention the war! I did once, but I think I got away with it..."
Jag säger inte "Four More Years" utan "Four More Beers!" Det kan sannerligen behövas lite hjärncellsförlust för att orka sig igenom den här sörjan. Ska åka till Tyskland med Citizens i helgen. Där röstar man in rena nazistpartier i politiken. Det känns inte heller så fräscht.
"Don't mention the war! I did once, but I think I got away with it..."
Debban asså - schyysst!
Vi var ute och spelade med David & the Citizens i Torsdags och Fredags. Så här skrev man om spelningen på Debaser och jag blir så trött. Trött, men knappast förvånad för det skall fanimej alltid hittas något att gnällas på bland journalister och recensenter. När vi gick av scenen på Debaser så sade vi till varandra att det var en riktigt bra spelning som på något sätt var en arbetsseger eftersom vi - nästan - lyckades få Stockholmarna att mjuka upp och slappna av lite. Det är bland band ( i alla fall bland de band jag känner) en allmän uppfattning att stockholmarna är den svåraste publiken eftersom de alltid ser så jävla stela ut. Som att de inte riktigt vågar ha kul för att de är rädda att tappa sin image om någon skulle se dem dansa med stora leenden över ansiktet. Man behöver inte ha attityd om man har bra låtar att spela. Attityd får de ha som lever efter devisen "mycket snack och lite hockey". Vi spelar mer hockey.
Tacka vet jag Göteborgare. De vet hur man gör en spelning till ett hav av svett och kärlek! De vet hur man har kul (även om det var några som hade lite väl kul i logen med ett vitt pulver. Sådant är inte kul - det är bara jävligt dumt).
P.S. (Några av de varmaste människor jag känner kommer ifrån Stockholm, så jag hyser inget allmänt hat mot stockholmare eller så, de är bara jävligt svåra att mjuka upp...)
"Hur mår egentligen den unga svenska indierocken? Ni vet, den som en gång tillverkades i replokaler innan kidsen började pilla på datorer och göra vek, neonglittrig discopop? Relativa veteranerna hey, de startade förra seklet David and the Citizens borde vara en bra värdemätare.
Inför aktuella tredje plattan greppade begåvade bandledaren David Fridlund elgitarren. Resultatet blev mer direkta låtar än tidigare, indiehits med driv. Bra så, men synd då att Malmögruppen inte får fram samma jävlaranamma på scen. Större delen av turnépremiären ser jag ju klart och tydligt att det står fem rockande killar där framme, men lik förbannat når ljudet liksom inte framåt i lokalen. För mycket repkänsla och för lite attityd, jag saknar Vi är David and the Citizens och det är inte ni.
Kom igen, ni har ju äntligen låtarna! På slutet kommer gamla goda ångestfavoriter fram och det börjar äntligen hända grejer på Debaser. Så dags. Okej, det här kommer säkert bli bättre när det nya materialet har satt sig. Till dess är diagnosen inte helt godartad."
48 hours och Devil är blivande livefavoriter.
Tacka vet jag Göteborgare. De vet hur man gör en spelning till ett hav av svett och kärlek! De vet hur man har kul (även om det var några som hade lite väl kul i logen med ett vitt pulver. Sådant är inte kul - det är bara jävligt dumt).
P.S. (Några av de varmaste människor jag känner kommer ifrån Stockholm, så jag hyser inget allmänt hat mot stockholmare eller så, de är bara jävligt svåra att mjuka upp...)
"Hur mår egentligen den unga svenska indierocken? Ni vet, den som en gång tillverkades i replokaler innan kidsen började pilla på datorer och göra vek, neonglittrig discopop? Relativa veteranerna hey, de startade förra seklet David and the Citizens borde vara en bra värdemätare.
Inför aktuella tredje plattan greppade begåvade bandledaren David Fridlund elgitarren. Resultatet blev mer direkta låtar än tidigare, indiehits med driv. Bra så, men synd då att Malmögruppen inte får fram samma jävlaranamma på scen. Större delen av turnépremiären ser jag ju klart och tydligt att det står fem rockande killar där framme, men lik förbannat når ljudet liksom inte framåt i lokalen. För mycket repkänsla och för lite attityd, jag saknar Vi är David and the Citizens och det är inte ni.
Kom igen, ni har ju äntligen låtarna! På slutet kommer gamla goda ångestfavoriter fram och det börjar äntligen hända grejer på Debaser. Så dags. Okej, det här kommer säkert bli bättre när det nya materialet har satt sig. Till dess är diagnosen inte helt godartad."
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48 hours och Devil är blivande livefavoriter.
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I Stole This Blog From My Myspace...
Time Flies
My god how time's already been a month since I wrote here. A lot of things have been going on since then. I went to Ireland to play some bass and drums with Sara Culler. It was such a great trip, everyone was incredibly friendly and they took care of us in the best possible way. The show went great and the whole festival was really well aranged. We got to meet a lot of nice people and saw a whole bunch of great bands:David Mc Nair
The Rivals
We Are Knives...
We were only there on the second day of the festival, so we probably missed out on a bunch of other great bands...but these were all really good.
After that me and Sara went back to Sweden and almost drowned in the most violent rain I think I've ever seen...we got of the bus from the airport and ran 20 meters to the train station and we might as well have taken a shower with our clothes on. Met a woman as we were eating sushi and we started talking about...sushi and whatever, she played the drums in a country band which she thought was so much fun..Arrived in Stockholm and spent the night at our friend Daniel's place. Got up in the morning and went to this studio in the middle of the city where we spent the next three days and nights recording Sara's stuff. On Wednesday me and Magnus from the Citizens did this instore gig (which wasn't really in a store, but anyway...) at Pet Sounds bar which is a record store (Pet Sounds bar is really...a bar that is run by Pet Sounds the record store...). Sara came along and did backing vocals on four songs - thank you Sara - your help was needed... That was a good night, lot's of friends and faces I recognized. The day after we went to Gothenburg for another instore gig. Six hours driving, 40 minutes of playing and signing records. Then it was off to bed for me at Hotel Poseidon. A well deserved good night sleep and a hot shower (first one for a couple of days).
Next day we drove to Karlstad and spent the night at a friend's place, playing Yatzy and drinking a few glasses of wine. The same night Sara went to Copenhagen to see Danish band MEW live at Tivoli, which I am a bit envious at.
Next day (Saturday) we drove to Örebro for yet another instore gig, but also a real gig at a real club. It was actually one of the best shows in ages. At least I thought so. It was the warmest gig ever and the sweat was pouring down, but that only made me feel like it was even better!
Now I'm home, still thinking of solutions for recording the rest of my new album. I have got to fix this soon.