A Sigh Of Relief

Oh, my god. I just turned on the computer after having breakfast and the screen is black. Silent. Dead. No, don't crash damn it - I'm just starting to see the fun in and use for computers... For a minute or two, Sara and I were convinced  that what we have feared for so long had finally happened. But it turned out all I had to do was to turn up the light and the colour on the screen!
A sigh of relief!
Remeber I told you about a song I've been working on for forever? Well, I'm off to the rehearsal place to change the end of it. Again. But this is it - if it doesn' t work out after today, I give up.
By the way - if you haven't already heard them : listen to these two tracks

Tears Are in Your Eyes

Me Against You

And drop in on Sara Culler blog as well and listen to her beautiful songs:

Sara Culler

Posted by: Lotta

Ge inte upp med låten! Ett tecken så gott som något är väl att du fortfarande jobbar med den, jag är säker på att den är för bra för att kastas bort. Ser för övrigt fram emot ett kommande album! Mycket! (För övrigt ska man aldrig lita på datorer, rätt som det är vänder dem en ryggen.)

2005-12-08 @ 11:28:49
Posted by: David

Tack ska du ha Lotta! Nu har jag jobbat en dag till med den jävelen, men nu tror jag faktiskt att den är klar. I alla fall som en demo betraktat. Sedan får jag ju chansen att ändra lite till när den ska spelas in till en skiva...
Och datorer skall vi inte ens prata om - jag kraschade en gång sveriges radios server bara genom att sätta mig vid tangentbordet på en av deras datorer när jag skulle chatta på ett av deras program. De fick ringa sina tekniker och starta upp allting igen. Haha...!

2005-12-08 @ 22:02:46
Posted by: Anonym


You sound a bit happier in this blog from the last, which I am very glad to see. You sounded pretty f'ing down in the last one. I get the blues all the time, so there's not much that I can say with regard to putting those demons into submission, but based on what I know of your music you have an amazing skill of taking that pain and creating beautiful music, so there's nothing about that I can tell you that you don't already know; in fact, there's probably very little that I can share with you that you don't already know. I would, however, like to remind you of something that you might forget from time to time. It's something that I often tell myself when I'm feeling dark, confused, and utterly misunderstood...Henry David Thoreau said it best when he said, "have the courage to be misunderstood." It takes Scarface-sized huevos to, not only, have that courage, but to embrace it enough to live with it and use it. You do that with your music. If you didn't, you'd just be another schmo (turd) that works his 9-5 dreaming about one day being an artist.

You not only have the courage to be misunderstood, but you also have great musical talent. Those two attributes combined make legends. Continue making great music and one day you could be legendary. I, for one, am inspired by your courage and your music. Keep living, loving, and longing; and we'll keep listening.

I hope this finds you well.


2005-12-13 @ 05:45:53
Posted by: Manuel

Hej David!

Great songs - as usual! Hope to hear more soon ... ;-)
Greetings to Sara and the rest of the band!

Take care,

Posted by: David

Hi Manuel! Nice of you to drop by! You will definately hear more, sooner or later - I've recorded a bunch of new track which I think are really good. Take care and have a merry christmas!

And Jeremy; I'm ok. Poverty and the dark, cold season is just fucking with my head from time to time, but that's ok... I am very stubborn and I will never let life bring me down, not for long anyway. Thanx for listening and everything, it means a lot, you know!

2005-12-14 @ 12:48:17
Posted by: Brendan

Hi, David. I'd love to hear both your new songs, but the link for Tears Are in Your Eyes seems to be broken.

Just wanted to also say that in a year that saw some very good music releases, your Amaterasu ranks as my favorite album of 2005. So glad I discovered it (via www.pandora.com), and very much looking forward to your next work.


2006-01-03 @ 12:50:21
URL: http://www.thereverend.com
Posted by: david

Brendan - I'm soo glad you like Amaterasu! It means so much!
I think the link for "Tears are in Your Eyes" should work now, thanx for noticing.
Take care.

2006-01-03 @ 22:37:34

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