David Fridlund - now with Paypal

Liten men VÄLDIGT viktig blogg på engelska för att jag skrev på Myspace och hade inte tid att skriva på Svenska här utan tog samma blog och klistrade in.

Ok, not to sound greedy or anything, but I would like to announce that I have started a PayPal account. I have also added one of those "donate - buttons" on
my Myspace page.

I have been struggling really very seriously hard for about ten years now, trying to be able to be a musician. I have had good times and times that haven't been as good as the good ones...eh, know what I mean...?

Think about it this way:

If you have ever downloaded my music without paying for it - here's your chance to do good! If you haven't downloaded without paying, but you just want to be a nice guy or girl - here's an easy way to give a hand to a poor musician! If you think my music sucks and I am a fucking idiot, then just give a big fucking donation and I will shut up. But in that case it'll have to be a pretty generous donation!

I am currently recording a new album and it will be out this fall! Until then - click the button, you know you want to!